Poster Activities
To strengthen students' decision-making skills by giving them the opportunity to analyze their thoughts, feelings and reactions to the artwork.
Art Processing Activities:
Print out or bring up on your smart board one of the links below and instruct each student to look at the poster and consider the related questions. Have students express their thoughts individually or by whole group discussion about the art/questions through written and/or verbal responses.
Group Activity:
Display a minimum of four artwork posters on the classroom walls. Also, distribute two Post-It notes per poster to each student. Have students walk around the classroom looking at the artwork. Ask students to write their responses on the Post-Its to the following two questions for each poster:
What is the overall message of this poster?
What emotions do you feel from looking at this poster?
Have students place their answers written on the Post-Its directly below the poster. When all students have finished, the teacher should read the responses aloud to the class.
Another option is to have two baskets, one for messages and one for emotions. Have students place their responses in the appropriate basket. The teacher then pulls responses out and reads them to the class.
Finally, have students respond either verbally or in writing to one or more of the following processing statements:
The poster that had the greatest impact on me was....because...
A new awareness for me about STDs, hepatitis or HIV is...
Words or phrases to describe this activity are...
Group Single Poster Activity:
Do the same activity as described above, but have students respond to only one poster. Require students to reflect on only one poster without talking or pointing to the poster. Have students go back to their desks and write their messages and emotions on the Post-Its. Ask students to place Post-Its directly below the poster. When all students have finished, the teacher should read the responses aloud to the class.
Individual Activity:
Upon reviewing the posters, have student(s) write their messages and emotions in private; for example, at their desk rather than where other students can see them.
Click the video link to watch teachers using poster activities in their classrooms.


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